FDA simplifies pathway for manufacturers to validate VH202 method

  • 2 min read


" In recent years, FDA has received an increasing number of 510(k)s for devices labeled as sterile that use sterilization methods other than the traditionally used methods of steam, dry heat, ethylene oxide (EO), and radiation. FDA has experience with other methods, such as vaporized hydrogen peroxide, ozone and flexible bag systems, and now considers them to be established methods. However, we recognize that there may be alterations to the more recently developed methods, as well as original, innovative sterilization technologies, which are being developed and proposed for use in the manufacture of class I and class II devices. FDA considers these to be novel methods. (The terms “established” and “novel” are defined in Section IV below.)

Under section 513(f)(5) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act), FDA may not withhold 510(k) clearance for failure to comply with any provision of the act unrelated to a substantial equivalence decision, including failure to comply with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP),3 unless FDA finds that there is a substantial likelihood that failure to comply with the provision “will potentially present a serious risk to human health.” We believe that novel sterilization technologies carry a substantial risk of inadequate sterility assurance if not conducted properly. Consequently, compliance with GMP for devices sterilized using these technologies should be closely evaluated. Failure to assure sterility presents a serious risk to
human health because of the risk of infection. Therefore, we intend to inspect the manufacturing facility before clearing a 510(k) for a device that is sterilized by a novel sterilization process. Inspecting the manufacturing facility for devices sterilized using these sterilization technologies will help ensure the safety and effectiveness of these devices and mitigate the risks to human health. "

Source: https://www.fda.gov/media/74445/download?attachment
